Has the fame gone to my head? Am I ego trippin at the gates of hell? � 07.09.2005 ... 12:29 a.m.

I finally worked out the whole referrer stats shindig. I'm getting around five hits a day for Britney Naked. What? Why was I even writing about her?

I'm too knackered to write this (started back at work, FORTY kids, first day of term, up at half sodding six), let alone compose a coherent sentence. Actually, that's not my greatest strength at the best of times.

But I got a shout on the radio! I text to say the new Happy Mondays song Playground Superstar sounds like a drunk dad doing karaoke at a wedding.

Someone else said it sounded like a drunk bloke rambling over a Kasabian track.

It's leery and shambolic in a bad way. I forgive them because I love Kinky Afro.

If I could work out where spellcheck was I would be using it because I�m pretty much writing this blind.

Christ, forty children.
It�s almost impossible to explain the sheer terror of eighty little eyes staring back at you as you frantically think about what you�re going to say.


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