Twinkle twinkle chocolate bar � 27.06.2005 ... 2:38 p.m.

Never mind the G8 summit (by the way, how grating is �Live 8� as a title for the music event) or the hoo ha about ID cards, I can�t believe that Richard Whitely died. He was an English icon and the legend of Countdown and strange ties.

I loved the Glastonbury photos where people were knee deep in water. Some people had canoes. How could they possibly have known to bring a boat?! That's some furious organisation skillz.

For the last few weeks I kept putting off going out with a couple of my friends because one of their boyfriends has taken to coming and he is � well, what boils down to a shit head. He is bigoted, racist and homophobic and for some reason enjoys ranting endlessly about his causes. He clearly has no idea about who I hang around with. I think he would die. I live in hope. He began with a creepy speech about the nuclear family and how disgusting single parent benefits are when families should be encouraged to stick together. This was the only time I retorted (what with it being early on) and immediately thought what is the point? He is a horrible, nasty, deluded person and I clearly do not need to involve myself. I sat fuming silently after that. As did my other friend. At one point she pulled me round a corner and we did frantic what in fresh hell is this eyes. We always knew he was a twat and referred to him as �luggage� but we had no idea he was so awful. I will never go out with those people again if he is there.

I�m meant to be typing something entirely different in the extremities to this up now and I need it done by tomorrow so toodle pip and goodbye.

OH YEAH! The strangest village in England! Tell me I am not the only person alive to have seen this TV GOLD! Sometimes I wish M would lower his televisual tastes somewhat because now that Gio has gone I have no-one and I am bubbling with fabulously jaw dropping programmes and all the information remains in my head. I think it is too much for one person to bear.


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