Start every day with an upward spray � 14.06.2005 ... 10:32 p.m.

Today is M�s birthday. I didn�t see him.

On Sunday I sang Happy Birthday a number of times and then made him sing it to me. I bought him a key ring made from two shillings from Leather Lane market. My mum said that as a child she used to go there with her dad. I had to stop myself going into a frenzy in the dozens of beady jewellery shops that lined the street. I went after seeing the F�s art display at St. Martins.

WOAH did I mention this? Holy cow there were pretentious art students EVERYWHERE. It was almost my worst nightmare come to life but there were no dead hamsters. I very nearly had to stab out my own eyeballs. I could have made my own display with them. Someone had actually made a massive vagina cushion. There were arty videos of people gazing. Girls and boys were adorned with masses and masses of mish mash fabrics, combinations of tights with holes and leggings and Converse shoes on everyone. I couldn�t look. I glimpsed through my fingers.

One girl who had raided every charity shop going said loudly on her phone in the otherwise silent room �HELLO MUMMY� YAH� ARE YOU STILL TERRIBLY ANNOYED WITH ME? YAH� I nearly ran and that is not something I do frequently (i.e. ever). Luckily my F is talented and non-wanky. He is a minority. He had made a big stained glass window and had some of his paintings on display. He told me his gran had visited, looked round and declared �I don�t know what this is but get me out of here.� Old people are allowed to say things that the rest of us can but think.

I worked 12 hours today with about half an hour break. The most disturbing development is that I am now guiding parents. With my own desk. I don�t know what I�m doing. I am telling colleagues that I don�t know what I�m doing but they seem to trust me. I found out today I�m a family worker with my own group. I have been this since day one and have only just known about it. I am so sorry to my families and their children.

Is that a Stegosaurus in your pocket or are� oh, it�s a Stegosaurs. All day I carried around a small plastic dinosaur because I kept forgetting to give it to the owner. This evening I accidentally took it for a walk and it came to the library with me.

Tim came back from his trek about Peru. He bought M a t-shirt that was too small so I got it. Bonus!

The End


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