Cake � 11.04.2005 ... 11.59 p.m.

There is this man on Life of Grime New York who drives the bodies of people with no families to burial sites. He sings them a goodbye song. He was driving one body and chatting to it and he told the dead guy he was getting a bit odoriferous. The other evening I went out for a meal with friends and Paul was telling me about all the sudden deaths he�s attended. He said his first was a lady called Alice who was a crack head. She was known to them and they all knew they�d eventually get a call. It came one Christmas day while they were eating the buffet.

Paul�s flatmate Rob came with us and this news was sprung upon me (and N) moments before we arrived. He is such a toe sucking cock. I have to pull my eyeballs down from the Outer Hebrides of my skull when he speaks. N and I nearly had an in-restaurant shove fest squabble over who had to sit next to him but luckily I am stronger and faster than her. Sadly for her the bronchial lungs slow her down and make her weak. Plus, that girl is thin. He did not notice the seat dilemma because he was outside talking on his mobile phone for the first 15 minutes. He only came in when Paul banged on the window. It is ok if he comes to the pub with us because he stations himself at various fruit machines only returning for 2 minute doses before the ping and the orange flashing lights lure him back.

He texted away on his mobile phone throughout the meal and when he was not doing that he was taking the piss out of N who is nothing but lovely and does that enough herself. I nearly caused a rift when I made a (practically involuntary) tosser gesture that was noticed but I own the talent and the skill for talking my way out of these situations.

About a week ago I thought there was a slither of dropped Easter egg chocolate on the floor. I thought Wow! How the heck has that gone unnoticed/hoovered for so long? Thankfully my brain noticed it was a dead moth a split second before my chocolate grabbing reflexes threw it into my mouth. Also, on Friday night I thought a mouse was running towards my bare foot on the floorboards and I actually screamed and jumped on to my chair like Mother Crazy. Or like the woman from the Tom and Jerry cartoons to which you go oh for fuck sake you dumb bitch.

It was actually the biggest spider from the available list of non-harmful spiders in the dictionary of spiders. I think this one may have been genetically modified because it was the size of a mouse. And it was running for my foot. It then did a lap of the room and I was telling it that was ok as long as it stayed far away from the realms of my bed/body. My sister was in my room at the time and twice that night she sleepwalked and talked trying to get rid of spiders from her pillows. I slept very peacefully.

One time a mouse did run across my room and stop to look at me and I was very calm. I think the issue is something running towards my skin.

I helped Lulu with a project on Italy. I spent more time on it than on an essay. I have given her very clear instructions for how to assemble it when she is in test conditions tomorrow morning. I have written the descriptions on the back of everything so that it is foolproof. We�ve typed a table of contents that she only needs to fill the page numbers for. There are pie charts, bar graphs, scatter graphs and maps with clear explanations. There is tourist information, holiday costs and an itinerary. This is why I need to go back to college. I have an interview, wait, an �informal advice and guidance session� Tuesday afternoon. Getting there involves some ridiculous travelling into central London and then all the way out again to a few miles away from my house. Why no direct route exists is a mystery of life to ponder over in the hour and a half of travelling I will be doing.

M has a growth type thing on his lip which is getting bigger. It�s been there for a month. It only really looks like he has been punched in the mouth from the outside (of his mouth). On the inside it looks awful. It�s purple and red with white lines running through it. It�s quite interesting to look at from a scientific/gruesome point of view but fairly squeamish from a yeah, I�m your girlfriend and I�m a bit scared of that coming towards me, kissing point of view. The doctor gave him antibiotics but they might have to drain it because it�s not getting smaller (!).

If I wake up one day and look over to find that his whole pretty head has been engulfed by this lumpy, blubbery, veiny sack of fluid then I will scream, run to a chair and tell it to stay away from my bed/body and not to eat me alive.


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