A baby elephant � 09.02.2005 ... 6:42 p.m.

I have had a cold for nearly a month. Surely this is some world record for cold longevity. Unless I have had more than one festering simultaneously or overlapping. Wow, the delicious thoughts I have. Mingling viruses, yummy! This kind of sweet talk is how I attract all the boys. Despite four weeks of being disgusting I seem unable to remember to take tissue with me. Since an incident of confusion around the Christmas before last, at work Gio and I refer to nose blowing tissue as bauble. Plain old going to the toilet tissue is just called bog roll but we do have a song about going to the lavatory. It is called �let�s all go to the lavatory�. At work there is a toilet roll which is so perfectly formed and yet so large that I feel as if I have either entered the world of the Borrowers or the Little Britain sketch with Dennis Waterman.

This was going to be a diagram of size comparison between a normal toilet roll and the super huge one. However after human head and baby elephant I ran out of room.

A week and a half ago a waiter gave me a rose and because I have no heating it is still perfectly perfect. I think last night may have been a little hotter because I managed to take one of the jumpers off to go to sleep. I have to work the layer look because I think it retains the most insulation. At the moment I am dreaming of taking it all off, putting on M's huge hoody and crawling into bed with a book. My skin is all sensitive and horrible right now and I have far too many straps and bits digging in. I need to be braless but I am going out for cocktails later and I think the whole massive clothing/non underwear look may be somewhat unacceptable. Have totally left it too late to have a nap, damn.


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