Going through 'the change' � 07.12.2004 ... 4:43 p.m.

Yesterday shall forever be etched in the annals of time as the Great Toilet Paper Robbery. On this momentous day my sister and I accidentally stole 9 double quilted silky velvet super ultra soft and long. This was quite an achievement seeing as I once witnessed 8 staff chasing after a guy who had stolen some washing up liquid. It wasn�t even Fairy but the supermarket own brand drizzle. My sister says if they play the CCTV back they will notice the exact moment on our exit of the store that she realises they are still attached to her wrist. What I want to know is why a brand new toilet roll never unravels smoothly. Why do they have to glue it? I would like mine un-gummed thanks.

I am inventing all sorts of means by which to shirk mounting university work. I am quite skilled at this. Instead of writing an essay today I made a mango, orange and banana fruit smoothie in the blender and went for a walk. Instead of essay writing this evening I will be at work and spending time with Fin. I excel at creative work avoidance. I have to keep the activities coming because if I stop for too long I get The Guilt. Perhaps I should write a book titled �1000 ways to wriggle out of it.� My dad wants to pen one called �Nutcases I have known�

Useful funded research:
According to scientists in Zurich having sex whilst wearing socks helps to prevent colds. Hmm don�t try looking that up on the internet to find a source. Cold feet lower defences against infection by cutting blood supply to the membranes around the mouth and nose but warming them up boosts white blood cells at orgasm by 30 per cent. Now I�m thinking that maybe I should have had a purpose for mentioning that because I am sitting here with useless sock wearing information and no ending. Although, I am sitting here with a stinky cold, frozen feet and between about Thursday and Sunday I didn�t do much else apart from have sex. Wellllllllll that is a conclusion of sorts.

Spending any length of uninterrupted time with M feels like a treat nowadays. Whenever we do I remember how well we get on. I obviously know that but it sort of dawns on me from time to time. We spend an inordinate while talking rubbish and playing games which wouldn�t work in any other real life world or with anyone else. At the same time it makes me more aware that I want to say sorry to him for having to be part of all my obsessing and strange habits (which I know he thinks are mad) and for him having to listen to some of the ridiculous things I say. It makes me want to cry.

We went to the cinema to see the Incredibles on Saturday. It really made me laugh. I liked Bob 15 years on from his crime fighting days trying to fit into his work role and office. Most of all I loved Edna making the superhero costumes. Syndrome the villain looks eerily like M�s boss.

I got a diddy new phone! Lots of IT boys from work like it (thus proving it is one of quality yah). I feel I have joined an inner circle of gadget people. RobertoMelonHead said he was going to get that one for ages but decided not to at the last minute because a Motorola 26000950dododee was better. From Mr big head himself this is the equivalent of saying something nice. I actually like RMH because he is friendly and funny. And because he allows me to call him melon head even though I�m crossing a line. Sab (who I do not particularly like) said that he is �unfortunately chinless� and she can�t believe I call him melon head to his face. He prints out 2 Telegraph crosswords and tries to compete with me but always loses. On Saturday I saw him looking up the answers online. I also like him because one time he boofed me out the way, bent over and searched about for something in a drawer. Upon noticing me he said seriously �oh, did I shake the booty at you? I do apologise, it can be quite dangerous.�

What was I? Phones. My last one was a third hand replacement for one I dropped in a cup of tea so I really have moved up in the world. I am sure that aircraft mode is going to come in oh so handy. What is great is that I made a mini video of my little sister looking gormless and laugh a lot each time I play it. I have a photo of Boris with red wine all over his head (excited puppies crossed with alchies makes for somewhat amusing entertainment). And I have a picture of my chum Jack trying to capture the magic of a classic librarian pose but with a huge grin plastered over his face. Not so great are the extensive calls to O2 customer support because they don�t have information for my phone and are having to guess as they go along.

Right, I need to beautify and eat but not simultaneously


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