That was a bit cruel to make me take a bow � 09.11.2004 ... 1:43 a.m.

Do you think they�ll mind if I call them FBFH?
Ummm what does it mean?
Fucking Bitches From Hell
Yeah Gio they might mind it a little

Bonfire night is so pretty and fun. M and I wrapped up (I excelled myself and went to sumo proportions with the layering, waddling is so Autumn 2004) and headed for a spot where we could see out all over London. I took lots of photos but somehow managed to miss taking a picture of one of the thousands of beautiful fiery sky filling blooms. I think this is actually bordering on genius ability because anyone could hold a camera aloft and capture an image of the multicoloured skyline but only the truly awesome could find the one patch of sky in all of London where nothing was going on. We had sweeties and shared a bottle of whiskey.

A good idea if you are trying to book a table at a restaurant and think you will be smart and know the date of the month which you have worked out on the back of a newspaper in the manner of the following example:

Fri 6th
Sat 7th
Sun 8th
M 9th
T 10th
W 11th

Is to not make a miscalculated mathematical judgement based on some utter mind blip of confusion which arose from thinking you saw somebody on the 6th when it was actually the 5th and therefore you are a day out all the way down the line creating a moment of confusion which has inflamed since trying to hear the number from a directory enquiries service over the sound of a puppy woofing because he thinks he too can communicate telephonically and does not see the invisible barriers between human and dog technological devices. I think dogs are pretty limited in terms of technological devices created specifically for them. There is an Alsatian that visits the park with no back legs and in their place is a wheelie contraption a bit like a buggy. The wheels are set in motion and propelled by his front legs. That is fairly basic though. I don�t know if there are� Oh wait yes I think that there are dog hearing aids which is quite a good. You see, I�m typing but no idea what I am saying here. The words are coming out before the thoughts have formulated.

My brother has been here using my computer sorting out university application thingies. When I came home from work my sunglasses were on the table which immediately aroused suspicion. Apparently he was having a bit of a Stevie Wonder moment.
Today I reached saturation point with studying and had a hair experimentation moment/ half hour. This resulted in a rather fabulous quiff (spell-check just automatically changed quiff to quaff! I had a fabulous quaff of 1973 red fah fah fah and some delightful brie! Spell-check look at a dictionary and you will see that a quiff is indeed a prominent forelock especially one brushed upward from the forehead) held together with

THE MAGIC OF LIFE! Was not what held my hair together but that is what happens when you accidentally rest your foot on the power button of a computer and it all shuts off and you think boo I was a big fish because I had mercilessly eaten lots of little fish and avoided the big bastards on Fish Dish and I started typing this and now it has all gone. Then out of I don�t know where the magic of life has saved this page of writing even though I didn�t but alas the fish is no more. RIP Trevor Fish.

I opened up a notepad today to write down some points for a presentation and the first page was ripped crudely in half. On the remaining half, in large letters I had written the word

M U L T I F U N C T I O N !


Here is a percentage break down of presentation related work-load sharing:
97% = My stupid self.
1% = Girl who speaks 6 English words not one related to this work.
0% = Girl who never turns up but is in my group. Is it not unfair to be grouped with, to have a number counted from a non-attendee? I will answer that � YES! Only a nerd from the planet What the Fuck would agree that was fair.
1% = Girl who nearly got kicked out for not doing any work and constantly failing essays.
1% = I have no idea where this will come from but somehow it must otherwise it will only add up to 99%

I must go to bed now. I have stacks of books to read after a library raiding frenzy this evening. Also, M if you read this before I speak to you, I got one you will like too and it is in the trunk. Was the other one in there or did it disappear? Shall I ask if someone took it?


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