Kitties that are chubby � 23.09.2004 ... 10:00 p.m.

Sore throat:
The negative � Pounding headache that lasts all day, pain, not so delicate or ladylike coughing fits, feeling generally wiped out and not really in the mood for love and more in the mood for curling up with a blanket and falling asleep, guilt at neglecting lovely friends
The positive � Voice making amusing sounds alternating between outraged bear and performing seal
Eh, that may be the only positive
I guess the blanket and falling asleep option is good too. Now I think about it, another positive was the fucking delicious chocolate fudge brownie I had from Starbucks to cheer myself up.

Last night M showed up which was warm and tingly and good. He said I looked dodgy (harsh but true) and I spent the evening resting against him which is the kind of remedy I like.

Today I found out something a little shocking about one of my work mates. He is more work mate than mate but more mate than colleague (if that makes sense to anyone other than myself). It was one of those moments where things fall into place and you think aaaaaah makes sense, poor bloke. My stomach/heart wobbled. He is only in his early 20s and has a horrible life long illness which is pretty grim and not like an average life long problem. Not that I know what the average life long problem is like but this one is just ���. You know, really, really shit.

Today I got to surf the web at work. Yeah, at work! Surfing the web! Paid for by my employers! SUCCCCCCCCCCKERS!
I did some work too and it was tedious data imputing but I also got to surf the web and make blu tack animals so I survived. I also managed to make reservations for a heap of books I need for my class. This is the biggest, fattest, hairiest bonus of working in a library. Even grander than free videos and dvds. Do you know how expensive college books are? I was working in a small oldie library and the most aggression you get from the public is �hello dear, oooh that�s a pretty necklace. I just want to take this book�
Excuse me a moment whilst I pick myself up from whence I have splattered over the dubiously stained carpet* and also I love you
And I love playing on the interweb and gossiping and sitting down SITTING DOWN and playing with stationary
In fact, this is almost not work

* Their explanation is that the window is mouldy and leaking on to the ceiling which has consequently rotted and manky water is now dripping on to the floor. But these are shifty people and untrusting times.

I am going to shut my stupid, annoying face because I have nothing to say.

(Alright maybe not shutting just yet) I am off to Cambridge tomorrow. My brother and his chums are looking at universities and I will be looking at the town and shops. I have never been before but everyone I have mentioned it to today has declared �I love Cambridge.� It seems I am the only person that has never been and that I am in for a treat. If anybody lives near there and knows any important places I should visit let me know.

Inkysoso loathes orange chunks in food

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