Shampoozle � 2004-06-28 ... 1:25 p.m.

I just stole my dad�s digital camera. Digital camera vs Normal camera � Digital advantage = can take pictures would prefer fotolab man not to see, Nomal camera = digital does not compare to joyousjoy of getting photos in a little packet and saving not opening it until I reach home then ripping it open and eating them all up

I pressed save so that if my computer crashes I will not lose my writing. It saved as �I just stole my dad� An excellent save name Microsoft Word, Thank you

Yes, well these are the results of digital camera stealage. The only thing is I have no idea how to make the photos a small size and I have nobody to ask right now. So this will probably take one hundred thousand years to open but it�s nothing much to look at anyway, so I wouldn�t bother waiting for it all to load. Apart from the first 3 pictures because they rock inventive headwear socks�

Will starts a trend�

It catches on

Sam gets it confused

Here is a picture that was already on the memory card. A drainpipe my dad found particularly interesting

An old Chinese bead necklace that was my Grandma's. I keep it on my bedpost for some reason that I do not know apart from that is where it has always been

The unscariest Frankenstein in the world sitting next to the scariest doll in the world. She stands up and walks and talks when switched on and makes this horrific motor engine Chucky come to life scare me shitless for eternity if I was a child noise

M�s sexy boy chin and my short girl head (this is from when I stole the camera yesterday). Notice the unfashionable face freckles caused by sunshine. By the way, this shot is not me trying to be pretentiously arty but because I am short and M is tall it only got his chin and the top part of my head. It was better than his attempt which got the floor.


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