Voluptuous hair � 2004-05-14 ... 12:32 p.m.

I washed my hair twice this morning. This was not because I like it so squeaky clean but because I started thinking about the weekend and forgot where I was at with the whole washing routine. (Which, is thus: start at the head and work down � hair, face, neck, arms etc how much info? Too much!) This is usually a fool proof plan in helping me remember where I am up to. Also, I am slightly routine obsessed with certain things. I was thinking about the weekend y�all. I am a tangent queen. I start new lines of thought before I finish old ones and the new ones seem more interesting so anything I say or write is mostly disjointed. Some people understand me though. My sister and I have total tangent related sloppy conversations that nobody else would be able to or would want to follow. RARR

Weekend. I need sex. 5 days is a long time, no? Maybe this is why I am in a strange mood. Maybe I am always in a strange mood, whatever. My hair always smells really nice by the way. I have nice smelling hair. Not too much call for that on a list of desirable qualities in a partner one imagines. I invite you to smell it, I often do (smell it that is, not invite others to)

Here are some other things that I also love the smell of

New plastic pencil cases (not really had this joy since school)

My boyfriends neck

New books (I am a librarian so this is something I smell a lot woohoo)

The Asian video filing cabinet at work. Hot damn it smells good. Not a smell that I can describe but very sniffable. This filing cabinet is a demon in disguise as placid, grey office stationary. It static shocks anyone who walks past. B the IT guy says he touches something wooden before the filing cabinet. He actually said �I touch something wooden� and when he walked away I laughed uproariously

The inside of a carved wooden box my grandparents bought me for my 18th birthday. In fact I am going to smell that right now� mmmm yum

A freshly hoovered room. This takes me back to my childhood and jumping on seats, stairs, the table - dancing to whatever music was blaring while my mum and dad cleaned.

I was quite upset about something yesterday evening. From reading a few other diarylander�s entries I really do not need to add to the general gloom atmosphere that floats around these pages. It is something personal to me and a part of what I am though so that is why I want to mention it as a note to myself. In a revolting sitcom kind of way I realised that I should shut up because I am a very fortunate in many ways and I fully appreciate it.

Now I must get dressed because all this lounging around is giving me creases and I am now a lady who lunches so I need to get out my twinset, pearls, blow dry me a voluptuous hair do and break out the lip-liner. Oh! I am laughing thinking about voluptuous hair. How easily pleased I am. Toodeloo, cheerio, farewell and goodbye

Inkysoso who does not quite know where she�s at

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