Fruit based days � 2004-05-13 ... 3:25 p.m.

Oooh feel groggy, head hurty and disorientated

Here is a list of things on my desktop:

Hot tea

A can of lemonade

A pair of glasses (I have never understood the pair of trousers, pair of glasses thing when there is only 1 but then I am not a logical person)

A little photo frame with a funny passport picture of M in

A camera

3 panadol

Assorted jewellery

A spectacle wipe that has dried and gone crustaceous

A toilet roll

A broken Magic 8 Ball

My right foot

A nail file

A photo of my friend wearing a medieval armour hat. That was such a good day.

Some super super super strength wondrous nail growing formula that calls itself �Diamond Strength� well, I doubt it named itself because although clever it is inanimate

3 packets of chewing gum � one of my quirks? habits? Is that I have to buy one of every packet from the displays in newsagents/supermarkets. This cuts down on much decision making but does result in being the proud owner of hundreds of packets of gum

2 biros

A clay hedgehog made by my mother when she was a child

Things that I would like for my 21st birthday:

A Yak

A swimming pool (full of chocolate buttons if possible but regular chlorine water will suffice)

Franz Ferdinand to take me out

A pole dancer

A big sailor�s trunk (think I�m getting this one!)

To be endlessly in pub gardens feeling the sun going down and warming my nose (might get this one too!)

Music, live, on cd, sung to me, played wherever I go etc

I know that is a rather small list, my birthday isn�t for couple of months so I will be sure to add to it.

This is what I have eaten and drunk so far today:

A (delicious) banana

King prawns with Chinese style dip

An orange


4 panadol

Can lemonade

3 cups normal tea

2 cups strawberry and raspberry swirl tea

Wow, I never realised how interlaced with fruit my food and drink consumptions are.

Number of times today that I have been accosted by people trying to get me to donate money to charity:


Inkysoso who wishes she knew html so she could make paragraphs

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