I love cold ears � 2004-05-06 ... 6:15 p.m.

It occurred to me that I haven�t given away much about myself. So I have found this survey thing� ok, I asked someone to find one for me and got this. Strangely it is already filled out with someone else�s answers and if they are a super hero or have a very interesting life I am leaving those answers in�.

Ok forget that, it was just too boring. Really could not be bothered to fill that in. Do you have a crush on anybody? Ever watched a sunset etc

Although, quite disturbingly one question was Poo or Wee? What the hell? Well Del, it was nice reading your answers although you put har har har rather a lot and I would like to have known whether you had put a body part on fire for fun

So I will make up some facts about myself: My hair colour is blonde. It is curly and blonde and I swear I didn�t make it like that with peroxide and hair style things, that�s how it is. I would never choose hair like this because it attracts comments from builders and white van drivers. I apologise to builders and white van drivers who do not make comments to random passing females. It would look really silly if I dyed it though. Can you imagine having blonde roots? Actually if you too have blonde hair and dyed it darker let me know how that went because I am interested. Wow, that was a lot about hair

I love food and eating and thinking about food. I am truly surprised that I am not more of a heifer considering this.

I love my boyfriend. If I talk about him in this diary I shall refer to him as M. He is lovely and does some gorgeous things to me. That�s by far not the only reason I love him.

I am the clumsiest person I know. I walk down stairs in the manner of an elephant. I constantly trip or fall over. Strangely, people also trip and fall over me. Maybe I am always in the way. I have a fair amount of bruises.

I love reading and I love words. One time I got into a loop of saying pineapple people pineapple people for days. I can tell you my least favourite word and that is inserted. Insert. Now I think about it insertion seems worse.

I like going to the zoo

I have slight obsessive compulsive tendencies. People close to me sometimes get annoyed by them. I can�t turn off a cd unless it has played the whole way through. I count how many steps to places I visit regularly. There are about 405 steps to the library and almost 1000 on the walk to the university campus from the bottom of the hill. I can�t get to sleep unless I have checked everything is in the right position and that nothing is open. There is a lot of hand washing. Things are done in an order logical to noone but they must be done that way.

Clothes made from football t-shirt material (polyester?) make me shudder. I don�t mean that in a clothes fascist way but in a real life even thinking about that material makes my back teeth tingle and throat close and my fingertips feel strange. Oh hooray, now I am thinking about it

I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters who are all insane. So are my parents. I am thankful everyday for my normalness. Ok not everyday and that is the first time I thought about it but yes. Thank God I am not insane like them. I don�t believe in god so I don�t know why I am thanking that particular omnipresent force

It aggravates me when people use an abbreviation, for example Dfes and then in brackets next to it put (Department for Education and Skills) or whatever the full phrase. Does that not defeat the purpose of the abbreviation?

I LOVE touching cold ears. They feel so so so nice

I now have to go and hoover and mop some floors


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