You know her name is Margaret? Oh. Oh. I'm still going to call her the Midget in the Basement. � 09.08.2006 ... 11:37 p.m.

I saw Miami Vice and I liked it. I do like a bit of mindless violence now and then. They threw around FBI acronyms left right and centre. Hawk, noticing my blank face after a moment of prolific �DEA QTH BnQ BBQ STD DVD� style spurting said �Don�t worry babydoll, I�m hoping it�s not integral�. Hardy ha ha. Also, the woman that gets it on with The Farrell has a bit of a weep during the love scene. Afterwards I asked Hawk if it was because of the immense beauty of it all and he replied �Yeah. Or she was thinking about his moustache�. The film has the most eclectic soundtrack, ranging from Chris Cornell (awesome) to Phil Collins.

Today I saw the F-stop. He was discussing the transition from gangly teen body to man body. He says that one of his shoulders is much bigger than the other. He has been trying to do push-ups on the puny side and dancing with that shoulder enthusiastically. He said that all the students in his dorm play boring old Coldplay style music and he drowns them out with Spice Girls and Prince. I love him so much it makes my heart feel a million times big. We were in the pub for hours talking about things. I miss him somewhat. Somewhat a lot really.

The new series of Kath and Kim started and I missed the first episode! ARGH

Actually, missed it for quite good reasons but still.

I�m a bit bored now. I�m going to the London Aquarium on Friday and I can�t wait.


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