Row row row your boat gently down the stream, if you see a crocodile don't forget to scream � 20.06.2006 ... 12:57 a.m.

I went to see the Foo Fighters in Hyde Park with Hawkey. It was such a good day. He�s on some kind of anti-div pills now but he�s still quite stupid (and unwell). He�s like my pet. Entirely void of brain normality and sense but endearing all the same. This is why I felt so bad when he went off to the vets, I mean hospital, alone. Imagine those stupid little eyes looking about and blinking. I saw Motorhead! They were excellent. I can�t really be arsed to talk about the music. I�m sure someone else has reviewed it somewhere... Although apparently not. The Foos had big sweeping green lasers across the sky. I love the lasers. I imagine I said this before because anything to do with flashing lights and colours and I�m happy.

The sun was out all day and I had lots of ice lollies. We had lunch in Covent Garden first and walked down. On the way we passed this amputee in a wheelchair. He was blowing into a whistle for money. Not playing anything just the high pitched �WOOO WOOO WOOOO� of putting air into a whistle. I laughed until I was nearly sick. Then a whole array of the Barking Mad accosted Hawk. It began from this point and lasted until we went home. He seems to have accepted this as a way of life. By the fourth person (a spiritual nutcase with intent to convert) I just grabbed his hand and marched him on. Once we got there they were free to high-five, hug, stroke and ramble away at him.

I�m missing out the thing here! As we were walking about the West end a lady ran up behind me, tapped me and said �are you with an agent?� I was confused. She said she was a model scout and wanted me to write my name and number. The only thing I could think to say was �but� I�m a fat midget�. I think Hawkey snorted an eyebrow. I was so embarrassed by it all that I ambled off very fast, so that�s my modelling career scuppered. He is under promise of death never to tell anyone that we know.

How great is House! I have just started watching series one. It's so late. I started writing this ages ago and got distracted by shiny things on the internet.


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