Two concrete to ten sand � 10.06.2006 ... 5:52 p.m.

Dear Cloudbase, You don�t have a link for me but you can know that I am flabbergasted and felled. And really embarrassed. I can�t bring myself to read past entries because they make me feel sick and cringey. Thank you.

I got in trouble for being horrible to �boss�. He has stored up all the mean things I have ever said to him (I can�t begin to imagine how long his list is) and told my sister. Apparently when he told me that he started playing guitar to get the girls I retorted �well THAT was a waste of time�. Apparently I gave him a filthy look and muttered �wanker� when he told me to stop talking. And apparently when he worked up the courage to affectionately call me �sis� I replied �anytime, Grandad.� I couldn�t remember any of those incidences but did myself no favours by laughing at my own wit. I think it was half nervous laughter as I was being rounded on by a group. i.e. �AND you also said�� everyone chucking one in. Like a dog being backed into a corner. But a more flattering reference than dog.

I do feel a bit bad because that is pretty much the iceberg tip of harsh I have directed towards him. I don�t mean it nastily but I can�t be nice. It makes me feel unwell. It works the other way because I cannot bear anybody saying anything kind to me. As Hawk recently said, if he believed everything I called him he�d be a weird, mental, fragile, idiotic, overly nice, gaylord, bummer, twerp, plonker, prat, petal, pumpkin, poppet, puppet, doll face, doll snatch, Hoochie-mamma, ultra-slim, bus-riding-�ho. Those were his exact words by the way as he emailed me the list. I say them all with affection.

I just hope that �boss� never finds out I spent months calling him Dracula. Something I feel absolutely awful about.

Employee of the month, Soso

Also, i'm adding this afterwards:

This is currently creeping towards my pillows. I don't mind spiders but for frig sake, they could show some courtesy and stay away from my clothing and bed. That's all I ask. That spider has right stalkey eyes.

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