Ladybird ladybird... oh, this ends badly � 10.06.2006 ... 1:12 a.m.

Why I am a shitbag

My friend has an ongoing illness. He now weighs about eight stone and is almost six foot tall. He is permanently dizzy and eating makes him sick. He visited one doctor numerous times who told him it was psychological, another who prescribed him strong painkillers (despite being in no pain) and eventually a doctor who referred him to hospital. And he had nobody to go with. I should have been there but I got trapped in that way of feeling too pressured and unable to leave work. Even though I knew it was more important and I should have just said fuck it suckers. Or, suck it fuckers. Don�t pour guilt on me. I�m such a coward. He had some kind of breakdown when he got there.

We strolled around Kew Gardens the afternoon before and it was peaceful and lovely. I have sunburn to show for it even though I was wearing cream and shoulder covering sleeves. I have a Portuguese colleague who rabbits on about English people�s inferior and ugly freckled, pasty skin. i.e. my skin. Thanks, bitch. Good job you�re working with children with that kind of morale boosting technique.

Aaaaaaaah spectacles. That is the elderly term in which I have started referring to my glasses. I accidentally said spectacles in front of someone attractive. Not mentioning any names but DAVID. Have I mentioned David? Thick, ignorant and ummm that is about the extent of his character. He told me he didn�t dump his girlfriend in the end because she has nice tits. He is so unbelievably good looking that hello? He is working with me? I don�t mean your average good looking person. He is pretty much glossy, chiselled, buffed and beautiful model material. I want to find a way to show my friends.

Because he is a twat many people try and say �he�s alright� I guess� but they all cave in accidentally and splurt the obvious truth.

Finally booked an opticians appointment. I think that was where I was headed with that opening. This is why I never bother writing an entry. Pointless, boring, jibberish. That is all I have.


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