Cough cough splutter splutter � 25.01.2006 ... 10:01 p.m.

I�m going to some Chinese New Year festivities in town over the weekend. I am also teaching a little bit about it at work. Since I am always as fully prepared as a cub scout I thought I would do some extensive research. Also known as twatting about on the web at the last minute. I just found this:

One of the most popular courses is jiaozi - dumplings boiled in water. Jiaozi means "sleep together and have sons" a good wish for a family.

Ok kids!

Also, Alana, do you still read this? If so I read your writings about British food, including mushy peas. How could you put something that revolting FROM A CAN near your mouth?! Just looking at that photo was enough to make my knees wobble.


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