Build an ark? Is that your long term plan? � 23.01.2006 ... 12:26 a.m.

Last week I had a slight� well, breakdown maybe. I�m not sure of the correct terminology but the result was that I JACKED IT ALL IN. Woo! I barely ever cry and I never do public displays of emotion. I�m a bit hard like that. Or just very reserved. Therefore I am mightily embarrassed that it was me sobbing on someone last Friday night.

I�m not studying anymore! My tutor is making it very difficult for me to leave. It would be flattering if it wasn�t just because she cares that I was one of the only consistent top grade students and that now her overall pass rate goes down. Fuck that. You know what? I shouldn�t be having a mental fight with myself every week to reach deadlines. I shouldn�t be spending so much time feeling miserable and guilty because I�ve spent a few hours with my boyfriend. I�m sick of thinking I�m not good enough. Well, clearly now I have shown I�m not. I feel relieved.

Hello friends? Remember me? No? I�m the one that used to be with you on Friday nights! Remember when I got kissed by Elvis? When I tripped over a leprechaun? When I pissed off a smarmy Egyptian banker? POOP THE SCOOP.

What the hell am I going to do?

Without sounding awfully goth kid I have been blinking back tears for a week. Even though I feel happier and brighter I do feel like i'm walking about pretending to be with it.

In any crisis you should always remember to

Thanks Body Shop. Not only do you strive to maintain strong ethical principles regarding not testing products on cute little kittens and giving a fairer deal to workers abroad, you ALSO give sound personal advice.

I can�t believe that a lost whale managed to end up in the Thames. Imagine thinking you�re on your way to the deep of the Atlantic sea and ending up in a murky river near the houses of parliament. The poor bastard.


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