Bonnie Tyler � 04.01.2006 ... 11:22 p.m.

Why do foodstuff companies insist on including peanuts into mixes? YUK spoil it for me why don�t you. Offer me a big plate of paradise riddled with thorns.

Happy New Year!

I have been having a great couple of weeks. I miss my boyfriend like I would miss my eyebrows. I could draw some pretend ones on but it would never be the same. The best moment was one night at five in the morn. He was asleep and I escaped from his grasp to go for a wander (polite lady term for a piss). He opened his eyes confused and started patting all around him. Arr, I love him for thinking I would be small enough to escape in the tiny crack between him and the wall.

I have mostly been loafing. I don�t start work again until Monday so I�m in a good state of sheep bloat and relaxation right now. Last night I was reading Ray Mears Bushcraft Survival. Earlier in the evening I had watched Sweeney Todd with Ray Winstone. There was a powerful convergence of the butchering Rays� and I went to sleep and dreamt sullied dreams of slaying. However, I was wearing a corset in the dream and had mega heaving bosoms so there was a silver lining. Ah, the power of a period drama and a sickened mind.

We had a New Year's Eve Party. There was a pink theme (don�t ask). Slocey and I made hundreds of vodka jelly shots. They disappeared in just under a minute.

This is Boris in full on rave mode:

It will probably turn out massive. I�m a lazy non-scaling bitch. [Edit: Ok, I lie, that picture came out so huge I nearly went blind so it's smaller]


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