Fineliner � 19.08.2005 ... 10:11 p.m.

A few months ago, making it the second worst accident of my life so far*, I dropped my ipod into a sink full of frothy water. Just like the biggest accident this has caused me no end of mental grief. I am a walker (!) I walk miles and miles. Doing this in silence has been a frustrating and aggravating but ultimately bearable struggle. What will not be tolerable is an entire family expedition to Norfolk without it. I don�t think all of my clan have journeyed together since about 1989. I don�t think we have ever travelled altogether with an extra uncle thrown in (quite literally. I have no idea where he will fit amongst the general schema of dad's Giant camera1 Giant camera2 Jumbo lenses 1 & 2, digital camera and assorted photographer paraphernalia). Where was I? ah yes! My fathering has been preparing his cassettes.

I had a slight preparatory glimpse of what to expect when I accompanied him to a fish shop. (oooh loving fish right now. There are some with enormous bobbling eye sacs and some that look like brains are exploding from their frontal lobes but I digress) So, Piano music (I typod that paino music then which makes more sense), Rod Stewart etc



Throw me a sign

Yours faithfully,


If anyone has ever been to a small Norfolk village you will understand that this is sufficiently excruciating without the need to make my earballs and eyeholes bleed.

Also! I almost forgot! My family are the most travel sick people probably in existence. Things used to get so bad we�d be clawing each other for the sick bucket. If you ever saw a bus about a decade ago stopping every few hundred yards from London to Wales that would have been us! Did you see assorted blonde children scattered about in various stages of half dead in the bushes?

* The first resulted in third degree burns. Life�s a party!

Speaking of distinctly unfashionable music! I saw the Scissor Sisters at Kentish Town forum last night. I can honestly say it was one of the hottest and sweatiest nights of my entire life (ooh er). As far as the eye could see people were dripping in sweat. A guy in front of me kissed my cheek and his fella kissed The F. It was a unique and almost romantic moment of mixing perspiration.

EWWWWWW making myself sick here.

The F looked awfully cute in a waistcoat he found in Camden while staying with his gran. His gran is funny and rocks a monkey and a third.

Anyway, the long and sadity of it is that on returning home M and I promptly fell into a deep slumber and apart from the hint of a farewell fumble this morn I am sexuallicitly deprived. And he was looking pretty good last night as well.

I had a deadline today and for the first time in my entire life I was not having a panic attack or holding my head in my hands trying to breathe. I have not a single raindrop of an idea why. I have been drinking and socialising pretty much every night since last Friday. All my work was serenely handed in on time.

Is this the end of an era?! Praise be!


P.s. Happy weekend and try and avoid these countryside farmerish/chicken plucker/mushroom picker type boys they only give you herp��. Oooh!!! My brother got his A�Level results. He got three A�s which I believe is a type of battery. Nice one to him. I am avoiding the papers for a few days because there�s the whole A�Level controversy which is beyond ye dales of bore.

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