Apples and pears � 23.10.2004 ... 12:20 a.m.

Today I bought a gorgeous free standing full length 1930s mirror from an antique shop. It�s sexily and sufficiently (but not excessively) bashed up. When the car is fixed on Thursday I can pick it up and position it in front of my existing mirror and see the back of my head without turning round like Boris chasing his tail. I know that is going to be a whole day of fun. I will have to close my eyes when I collect it because there are some jewels in there calling out to me that I am pointedly resisting.

I feel so shit at the moment. I have a homesick feeling even though I am at home. I have had a headache for nearly 30 hours even though I have dosed up on panadol. I feel tired and heavy even though I have been sleeping well. My back is hurting. I am embarrassingly on the verge of tears over ridiculous things. I am having to apologise to my boyfriend in rational moments for being depressing and stupid. Ah, you know anything I have said in the last 24 hours? Just ignore that, ok cheers, love you thanks bye! I had to buy potato cakes. Has anybody spent a whole day eating only potato cakes and bananas? Has anybody even ever purchased a potato cake? I doubt it. At least it is better than the citrus cravings which can lead to LEMON CURD.

You should never buy any food produce with curd as part of the title.

Did I say about Gio�s future wife (she does not know it) who looks like a model but smells like a chip shop? I met her. Luckily for her she speaks mostly French and I don�t think cockney filth translates.



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