mmm Walnut � 07.08.2004 ... 1:20 p.m.

I am on my lunch break and stuffing my face with crunchy bran muesli with extra mixed raisons and nuts which I added myself. Let it never be said that I do not LIVE ON THE EDGE

Here is what I would have posted yesterday had my ISP not died a death (It is so hot at work I too feel like expiring) �

Strangest conversation of the day (thus far)

Undressed (save for shoes and boxers) Heavily Gesticulating Irish Guy: Give us yer wine

Me: I don�t have any

UHGIG: You could do with going on a sunbed

Sister and I simultaneously � You could do with some (she) manners (me) clothes

She (who, by the way, is olive skinned and dark haired (bitch): She doesn�t want cancer, thanks

- Brief pause �

Me: He was wafting that weedy, pasty body far too close

She: You don�t have any smile?

Me: (puzzled)

She: (bemused)

Me: Pardon?

She: He asked you for a smile

Me: Oh� that makes more sense

Whilst on the subject of half naked men (hah! This is what I really wanted to talk about but thought I would sneak it in cleverly) why is it against the law for women to walk around topless and not men? I feel very strongly that it should also be against the law for males to walk around shirtless. I am not saying this out of principal but out of the quantity of flappy man-tit, sweaty chest creases and hideous amounts of curly back/chest hair that have graced my presence in the past week or so. URGH! What with my tendency to imagine the worst in any given revolting situation and what with my imagination for the worst to involve LICKING it is not a good time of the year for me. This whole train of thought was almost undermined when a topless Thierry Henry lookalike strolled past when I was walking through Regents Park the other day. In fact, it may have been him but I was not focusing on the face.

I went to see King Arthur last night (what with being 45 minutes late for Stepford Wives), the film, not the legend himself. I really enjoyed it. I used to love reading about Arthur and Merlin when I was a child. I also read some of the stories to my little sister when she was younger. The film was more of an action story that used the names than really about the tale. Despite all the bloodshed, killing and general brutality the only time I had to cover my ears and scrunch up my eyes was during a scene where Arthur puts Guinevere�s disjointed fingers back into place. Something I wasn�t sure of was why the leader of the Saxon army spoke with an American accent. Also, whilst I am at it, what about Morgan Le Fay (Arthur�s sister, a dark, powerful figure) or the Lady in the Lake? Maybe the producers thought it would be more appealing to boys if they played down the importance of any female character. Maybe if Guinevere was not such a famous character she too would have been eliminated. Maybe I should write the screenplays myself.

When out drinking, is it too much to ask for a clean glass WITHOUT lipstick encrusted on?

I�m only joking; I know that the answer is yes.

Last night in my dream I angrily shouted �I do NOT wish to discuss the ferrets!�

I thought dreams were meant to be related to real life events. I have only been in contact with two ferrets� years ago called Terror and Fang. They belonged to family friends and all I remember is that they smelled disgusting (The family friends and the ferrets although the ferrets were worse)

Inkysoso is best served ice cold

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