Monkey see � 01.03.2006 ... 5:01 p.m.

Rough day
I was like a lone policeman amongst a rioting mob. This is what happens when there are too many children and not enough staff. All I can do is try to stop a fraction of the chaos. Someone got bitten, one boy kept jumping on other children�s heads, two kids had a competition to see who could SPIT the choking hazard maths counting toys the farthest. I wound down King Kong wrestling grips and put a stop to two girls touching each others tongues (with their own). I hate those kinds of days where it�s impossible to play or chat with them. Where I feel like if I have to be the bad guy to one more incident I�m taking the child safety scissors out to the loo for a quick burst of self harming. Wiggle/zig zag effect and all.

Rough couple of weeks
But I don�t think I can face going into it.

I am actually ok and upbeat. I�m trying to think of something that has made me laugh to prove it. All good in the �hood.


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